A Good Friend:

is a good listener

is a good helper

is polite



​​Behaviour Guidance Policy

Noah's Ark Playschool seeks to create a positive learning atmosphere in the classroom. Children's behavior will be guided to encourage self-respect, respect for others, respect for property of others, and safety. Staff will model appropriate classroom behavior in order to help the children know and understand the following 5 classroom rules or "good friend" rules.

When behaviour guidance is required:

Staff will model appropriate classroom behavior to help children know and understand the following 5 classroom rules or "good friend" rules:

- Teachers will talk to child/children about the "good friend" rules and classroom behavior expectations.

- If the problem continues, the child will be distracted or re-directed to another area or activity. Situations will be dealt with as quickly, quietly, fairly, and as privately as possible.

- Ongoing behavioural concerns will be discussed with parents. If the behavior continues and is hurtful to other children, the parent may be asked to remove child from program.

- Physical punishment is strictly prohibited. This includes spanking, hitting, slapping, biting, shaking, squeezing, yelling, withholding of food and withholding of emotional support.